1- Your Career Path Is Uninspiring
Feeling uninspired day after day can prevent you from growing in your career. It's hard to stay motivated when you're in the wrong field.
If you find joy or excitement in hobbies or other activities, but your job is mind-numbingly boring, it may be time to discover career choices that excite you.
First, consider what you love to do. What are you passionate about? Talk with your friends and family if you're unsure what your dream job would look like.
And before considering a whole new career, check out this quote:
"Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it." -Katherine Whitehorn.
Once you know your interests and what you're good at, land a new job in an exciting field by considering courses that could help you develop your abilities.
Start with our Unmudl network -many of our online and on-demand courses offer a guaranteed interview with an employer!
Next up, how stress can mean it's time to get moving!!
2- Feeling Stressed Everyday
Do you feel overly anxious, stressed, and exhausted at the end of the day? You're not alone.
"One-fourth of employees view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives." -Northwestern National Life (1)
Your career should be fulfilling and rewarding, not detrimental to your well-being. Burnout can mean it's time to change jobs or make a career change.
If you know you're in the wrong career, explore your talents and consider how to prove your abilities to potential employers.
Taking some classes can help you learn and network at the same time. Our Unmudl network of community colleges and businesses ready to hire puts you on the fast track to your next opportunity!
3- You’re Not Learning or Growing
Are you feeling stuck in your career? If you're not learning new skills and growing professionally, it may be time to find a job that will challenge you while helping you succeed.
"If you’re not growing professionally, you’re probably not getting closer to your career goals (especially if you’re trying to get a promotion)." (2)
A lack of growth opportunities can make any job feel stagnant, so explore other options if your current position isn't helping you reach your potential.
Careers that push you to become the best version of yourself can help you regain that lost spark of energy you once had at work.
According to Fellow, "Feeling like you’re progressing in your career can make you feel a higher sense of job satisfaction and give you a good feeling of where you are in life. Growth at work and the new responsibilities that come with this change can make anyone feel accomplished and reassured in their career path."
Find out how you can grow as you change careers with our Unmudl blog, "How to Afford a Career Change (Without Struggling!)."

4-You Dread Going to Work
Do you feel a wave of dread when it's time for work? Workers often call this the "Sunday Night Blues." If your Sunday night blues make your stomach queasy, this could be a sign that it’s time for a career change.
- Are your co-workers challenging to work with?
- Is it the environment?
- Do you lack friends at your workplace?
Feeling a sense of dread about going to work can affect your mental health. However, "Putting a name to what’s causing your blues can help you manage your feelings... write down what’s making you anxious and take some time to brainstorm solutions so when you... tackle those tasks, you’ll have a plan ready." (3)
Sometimes the problem is other workers or a lack of breaks. Other times, you dislike your job task - if the dread comes from your actual work, consider another job or business field.
However, if you enjoy your industry, consider a transition into a new role at your company doing another task using a different skillset.
According to BetterUp, "A lateral move is a career change where an individual moves from one position to another with little change in their salary, title, or level. However, despite no promotion, a lateral move doesn't mean you aren't going to gain new experiences or learn new skills."
To prepare for a new position, consider more education with our Certificate and Certification Programs at Unmudl.
5- Lack of Balance
Having a work-life balance is essential for most people. However, if your current career doesn't allow for any time away from the office, it could be time to consider other options.
A career transition might be the answer if you find yourself constantly sacrificing your personal time for work.
"Achieving work/life balance means having equilibrium among all the priorities in your life – this state of balance is different for every person. But, as difficult as work/life balance is to define, most of us know when we’re out of balance." (4)
Find ways to transition out and get your personal life back with our blog, "7 Short Courses for a Rewarding Career Change."
6- Your Values Don't Fit with Company Values
If your personal values don't align with the company's mission, it's time to find a job at a company that aligns better with your values.
For example, if you value sustainability and environmental responsibility, but your current employer is irresponsible or unethical, you may not want to spend your time there.
If you hate telling people where you work and cringe at your employer's name, consider a new job!
Some ideas below:
- 5 Steps to Change Your Career into a Frontend Developer
- Career Change Advice and Ideas for Attorneys
- Top 20 Career Change Ideas for Accountants
- Career Change Ideas for Nurses (Including Non-Clinical Roles)
No matter what you're starting from or where you're going next, Unmudl has the courses and business network to help you find employers who share your values.
7- Experiencing Physical Stress
Are you experiencing physical signs of stress such as headaches, stomachaches, or insomnia over your job? This is a clear sign that something isn’t right in your current job. It might be time to start thinking about how to switch careers!
Problems at work are more strongly associated with health complaints than are any other life stressor-more so than even financial problems or family problems.-St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co. (5)
Perhaps you're an insurance adjuster, and negotiating claims is too confrontational. You could transition laterally into a role that interests you or look at other career options that wouldn't cause such a high level of physical stress.
Your physical health matters, so if your current career makes you sick, it's time to change careers! Explore our Unmudl Blog to find tips about how to make the switch!
8- Taking on Too Much Responsibility
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the amount of responsibility you have? If so, it may be time to find a job with a more manageable workload.
If you're drowning in to-do lists or routinely unable to leave on time, your current workload could be too heavy.
According to the CDC, “Short-lived or infrequent episodes of stress pose little risk. But when stressful situations go unresolved, the body is kept in a constant state of activation, which increases the rate of wear and tear to biological systems. Ultimately, fatigue or damage results, and the ability of the body to repair and defend itself can become seriously compromised. As a result, the risk of injury or disease escalates.”
Talk with friends or co-workers to get an idea of whether you're overloaded at work. Then consider transitioning into a role that offers more work/life balance or a job with fewer responsibilities.
Take a course with Unmudl and get hired with our business network. Find jobs with Abbott Laboratories, Amazon, Disneyland, Coinbase, Braintrust, Choice Hotels, IBM, Shell, Spring Labs, Walker Engineering, and MORE!