Apr 8

Launching Reporting Hub

Unmudl Reporting Hub & it's capabilities.

The Reporting Hub serves as an all-in-one platform tailored to the needs of users across these portals, offering a diverse array of functionalities designed to streamline reporting processes. From generating reports to viewing, downloading, and scheduling them as needed, the Reporting Hub empowers users with unparalleled convenience and efficiency.  

Key features of the Reporting Hub include:

  • Report Generation: Seamlessly generate reports encompassing various aspects of enrollments, courses, and their financial aspects.  
  • View and Download: Easily view and download reports according to specific requirements, ensuring access to crucial data at your fingertips.
  • Scheduled Reports: Schedule reports to be generated and delivered automatically through email, saving time and effort.
  • Search and Filter: Effortlessly search for specific reports and apply filters based on timelines, enabling swift access to relevant information.

The Reporting Hub enables the viewing and downloading of fresh reports in real-time, encompassing essential data generated by the user related to enrollments, courses, and their financial details under the “All Reports” section of the Reporting Hub. Whether exporting reports for all courses collectively or generating individual reports for a specific course, the Reporting Hub offers unparalleled flexibility to meet diverse reporting needs.

All Reports: 

The “All Reports” functionality in the Reporting Hub is a convenient functionality that lets the user easily access and download all the reports they have generated within the portal to date. 

This includes reports related to Enrollments, Courses, and Finance

This functionality in the Reporting Hub prevents the creation of duplicate reports by multiple admins for the same purpose or requirement. This feature allows users to view and download reports generated by themselves or fellow admins, ensuring that if a report has already been generated for a similar requirement, there's no need to recreate it. 

It provides a streamlined way to manage and access important data generated within the portal. Please see the screenshot attached below for better understanding and visual insights on the user journey in the Reporting Hub in the Admin, Employer, and College Portals. 

  1. Enrollments Export: 

The Enrollments Report can be accessed by the respective users of all three portals i.e. Admin, College, and Employer Portals. 

The Enrollments Export generally provides a holistic view of each learner, encompassing crucial details such as personal information, enrollment specifics, course progress tracked through TalentLMS, and the integration of custom fields created within TalentLMS of the learners. The advanced filters and customization options for data exports further empower the employer to refine and customize the data queries, ensuring that the information presented aligns precisely with the relevant organizational requirements for one course or multiple courses. 

  • Both the Colleges and the Admins, depending on their requirements can select the option to suppress FERPA False learner information in the Exports List drawer when filtering or exporting the data or else can move forward as it is. 
  • The Employers, however, would not be able to view the learners who did not give the FERPA consent. Their information when the export list generated will be shown as suppressed. 
  1. Finances Export: 

The Finances Export Report can be accessed by the respective users of all two portals i.e. Admin and College Portals.

For Transaction reports related to enrollments, users can obtain a detailed overview of financial transactions and related information. This includes essential details such as the learner's name, enrollment status, total price, purchase price of the course, installment price (if applicable), promo code usage, discounts applied, sales data, and more. By providing this comprehensive financial data, users can effectively track and manage the financial aspects of enrollments and courses empowering them with all the necessary information they require. 

  1. Learner Report: 

The Learner Export Report can be accessed by the respective users of only one portal i.e. Admin Portal.

The Admins only of the Unmudl would be able to view and export all the learners data on the platform and their associated information such as their personal information, courses purchased, courses in their wish list, courses in their cart, purchased courses related information, LMS connected courses related information if associated to them and more. . 

Add a Report: 

The "Adding a Report" functionality in the Reporting Hub provides users with a powerful tool to generate and customize reports according to their specific needs. Clicking on the "Add a Report" button located on the top right-hand side of the screen will open an Add a Report form within the Reporting Hub section of the portal where users can initiate the report generation process. 

Fields that are included in the Add a Report Drawer are as follows: 

  • Report Name 
  • Report Type 
  • Output Columns
  • Filter Courses 
  • Schedule Report 

The user will click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the drawer to update the list with all the details added for a new report generation. 

  • Report Name: 

The user will add the name of the Report here in this field with which the report will be generated and saved and will be shown in the ‘’All Reports” section under the column “Name”. 

  • Report Type: 

This functionality varies from portal to portal thus allowing the users to download the type of report they have access to. 

  • Admins on the Admin Portal to create reports for either Finance, Learners, or Enrollment data. 
  • The Colleges on their portal can generate reports for the Enrollments and Finance only. 
  • The Employers on the Employer Portal will have the opportunity to generate reports for the Enrollments only. 
  • Output Columns: 

The output columns field enables the users to have the option to tailor the output columns of the report, allowing them to include only the fields that are relevant to their current analysis and requirement by deselecting the rest of the fields as all fields are selected by default. 

  • Courses: 

The users have the flexibility to generate reports for individual courses, multiple courses, or all courses available on the platform from the dropdown menu by selecting one course or multiple courses from the menu. 

  • Schedule Report: 

One of the standout functionalities of the Adding a Report feature is the ability to Schedule Report generation. This means that users can specify a time for the report to be automatically generated in the future, according to their preferred timeframe and the number of times they want to generate it per week/month and on which day. 

By scheduling reports, users can efficiently plan and organize their workflow, ensuring that the necessary information is readily available when they need it, thus saving time and enhancing overall efficiency. Additionally, users have the freedom to assign custom names to their reports, further enhancing the personalized experience of utilizing the Reporting Hub. 

Scheduled Reports: 

All reports scheduled for future generation are conveniently organized within the "Scheduled Reports" section, situated adjacent to the "All Reports" section in the Reporting Hub interface. This intuitive layout ensures easy access to upcoming scheduled reports, providing users with a centralized location to monitor and manage their scheduled reports effectively.

Within the "Scheduled Reports" section, users can expect to find key information including the report name, recipient, creation date, scheduled execution date, and the designated period for which the report has been scheduled. This organized display ensures that users have a clear overview of their scheduled reports, allowing for efficient monitoring and management of their reporting tasks. 

Search and the Date Filter Reports: 

The "Search Reporting” and the “Date Filter Report" functionality within the Reporting Hub offers users a convenient way to quickly locate specific reports tailored to their needs.

With the search feature, users can directly type the name of the report they are seeking, allowing for immediate filtering of the reports displayed within the hub. This streamlines the process by narrowing down the range of reports to only those matching the user's search criteria, ensuring efficient access to the desired information. Furthermore, the filter functionality within the Reporting Hub enhances user control by enabling them to refine their search based on specific timeframes. By specifying the desired timeframe, users can further hone in on the particular report they are looking for within the designated period.

Overall, the "Search and Filter Report" feature empowers users with enhanced usability and efficiency, providing a seamless experience for locating and accessing relevant reports within the Reporting Hub.


the Reporting Hub serves as a comprehensive tool within the Unmudl ecosystem, offering users a range of powerful functionalities to streamline their reporting processes. From the ability to view and download all generated reports in real-time, to the flexibility of generating reports for individual courses or all courses collectively, the Reporting Hub empowers users with unparalleled convenience and efficiency. 

Users can customize their reports by selecting desired output columns and even schedule report generation, saving valuable time and enhancing workflow efficiency. The platform's intuitive search and filter capabilities further enable users to quickly locate specific reports based on their needs, with the added flexibility of filtering reports within designated timeframes. 

With these functionalities, the Reporting Hub provides users with a centralized and user-friendly solution for managing and accessing essential data, facilitating informed decision-making and analysis within the Unmudl portal.